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A classic love triangle at my workplace

Mr. John - a routine cancer patient visiting at our clinic was as usual present for his follow-up visit at his physician Dr. Moody. At the same time as he was waiting in the consultation room, Dr. Moody was consulting with the other person - Mr. Harris whose wife - Mrs. Stella was suffering from stomach cancer.

The discussion contained a brief of the treatment options available for Harri s's wife. Importantly, disheartened Mr. Harris had come to Dr. Moody for second opinion  because the doctor under whom Stella was receiving the treatment earlier declared Mr. Harris that there is no point in going for treatment. His point was Mrs. Stella's cancer stage was no more curable, therefore advised that  she  should ‘live’ more rather than getting bed-ridden and just stretching painful life .  Unlike the other doctor; Dr. Moody was on the other hand quite optimistic. about Stella's treatment. He convinced Mr. Harris that he should go for the treatment and definitely has to give Stella the chance she deserves.

The interesting part was Mr. John and Mr. Harris were previously very good friends. Sadly, their friendship ended as there was an existence of love triangle between these two guys and Mr. Harris’s cancer struck wife - Stella. To add to this, Mr. John & Stella were suffering from same type of stomach cancer, and Mr. John too had previously come from the same doctor to Dr. Moody.

As Dr. Moody finished discussing with Mr. Harris, he realized that there is same kind of patient is waiting outside.  Because of the intentions of making Mr. Harris believed and assured; he asked Mr. John if he can get introduced to Mr. Harris obviously not knowing there history, requesting Mr. John to share his experiences about the treatment with Harris. 

Their face to face meeting went very calm. Mr. John explained to Harris that he was given only 1 last month from the same previous doctor and was still surviving after 5 years because of Dr. Moody's treatment. He explained Mr. Harris that he had made a good choice to come to Dr. Moody. He also emphasized from the bottom of his heart that he should trust Dr. Moody. The situation in the consultation room remained weirdly strange. Almost everyone other than Dr. Moody felt the emotional rollercoaster in the mind of Mr. John. Mr. Harris booked the next appointment and quietly went out of the room without any change in the facial expression.

For the next 10 minutes John's consultation started. Mr. John explained everything to Dr. Moody about their past. In the end he said with dejected grin, "You know because of the life extention I got through your modern treatment,  I now know the importance of life as well as death, otherwise I would have killed him for stealing my wife." The sense of bizarre air stayed for some time.


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